Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grapefruit and Cottage Cheese

Haha no, not at the same time! But those were two of our spontaneous purchases this afternoon that we knew we just "had to have!". I'm telling you, the food mentality over here is weird, almost desperate, and we find ourselves just stocking up on anything and everything..."just in case". Our table is loaded with fruits, nuts, nut butters, avocados, cereals, protein shakes, bars of every shape and size (thanks Stinky!), soups, beans, tuna, Indian food and, of course, chocolate! Don't judge -- two emotional women are definitely going to need their dark chocolate fix on occasion!

I'm not entirely sure how to sum up the first week in a tiny blog entry. Let's start with a few random facts from the week!

-I touched my chin to my shoulder for an ENTIRE side of Standing Bow Pulling (Z, that was for you!).

-I see my feet almost every time we do floor bow! Hurray!

-I managed to get sunburned after, hm, 20 minutes in the pool...for those of you who were placing bets on when THAT was going to happen, it was officially day 6! You can stop laughing now -- it only lasted about 18 hours!

-9 yoga classes + 2 Indian movies + 3 lectures + countless "Half Moon" dialogues + 3 hours sleep/night + an amazing sushi dinner = one GOOFY trio of yogis!

-official cry/almost cry count for the week = 6.

-the Dallas/Grapevine crew officially birthed an idea for an amazing talent show entry...more on that later!

The weekend was absolutely lovely, because we actually had time to regroup and reflect on everything that had happened this week. Even though there were pretty rough times throughout the week, Rachel and I still found ourselves being so incredibly thankful for being here. My last night in Dallas found me "nearly breaking down" every half hour or so, and I'm pretty sure it was because I had finally absorbed how amazing it was to be coming here. I knew that this was going to be challenging, horrible, beautiful, It truly has been, and we only have just begun this wonderful journey.

Wow, that was pretty corny. Sorry, I'm getting like that recently. But you chose to read this blog entry, so I'm officially NOT apologizing to you!

Oh! An address for those of you requesting one:

Desert Springs, A JW Marriott Resort & Spa
74855 Country Club Drive
Room #4116
Palm Desert, CA 92260

You know, if you have extra blueberry muffins lying around (or even a good lemon poppy seed -- we aren't picky!), feel free to send them this way. I have also been in the market for a good hug recently (as well as a foot rub!), so if you can find a way to box those up please, do not hesitate to do so! ;-)

Alright, time to take my freshly pedicured feet to bed (yes, I fell victim to the "I worked hard all week and my feet are tired and look terrible and I'll pull so much harder in stretching pose if they look nice" ploy...terrible, I know!). I was weak.

Peace, love, yoga hugs!!

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