Monday, April 27, 2009

To my dear mother -- please send more muffins!

Hehe, who knew that 8 homemade muffins would bring so much joy and happiness to our room??

Even though we didn't have any classes yesterday (in fact, the Bikram events were quite minimal), I still found myself in that perpetually hungry state. I think I am officially nominated for the "most likely to be that person who goes crazy because they feel they are starving all the time" award! Please, feel free to leave your votes at the bottom of the page. :-)

There is so much anxiety about being here, and so much anticipation for what is to come. We have our very first yoga class this afternoon (supposedly with Bikram himself) and I have to say, my body doesn't care how hot it is going to be! My body has started screaming at me in languages I have yet to understand (note to self: find a translator. I'm guessing that this is due to the 3+ days I have been out of the studio, but I simply cannot wait to get in that crazy blow-up tent and kill myself.
Of course, ask me if I'm this anxious to get into that room in a couple of weeks! tune might sound slightly different then.

No you didn't misread anything -- I said tent! A giant, blow-up tent! They are praying that they will be able to get enough humidity in there before our class this afternoon...otherwise, the torture chamber is going to resemble a very large dryer!

Rachel and I seem to have come down with a case of "Beginner's excitement!", though I'm afraid she may have caught a more serious case of it than I have! :-) We slept a grand total of, hm, 5 hours two nights ago (despite the serious travelling we both did that day!) and, due to an unruly alarm clock in dear ol' 4116, found ourselves awakened at 5:30am today. I practiced my mind/body control techniques and coerced my body into sleeping for another 1 1/2 hours, but poor Rachel was up with the sunshine.

Let's face it -- our early mornings are simply excuses to get started on the millions of tea bags that we have here in the room. That tea isn't going to drink itself, you know!

And now, having bookended this blog appropriately (with food references), I will take my leave to go leisurely prepare for the days events. Ha, take it in Kristin -- leisure will slowly disappear as the weeks progress!

Peace, love, and yoga hugs!

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